Where can I learn more about strength and conditioning for BJJ?
Follow @electrum_performance for great BJJ strength training content!
What if I’m not sure how to perform the exercises?
There are detailed exercise descriptions and pictures included with the program, but feel free to check out @electrum_performance or our YouTube channel for example exercise videos.
Is there any information I need to know before purchasing?
The program contains tons of supplemental reading info that should provide everything you need!
There aren’t really any weights listed in the program. How am I supposed to know how much to use?
It is impossible to know what weights are correct for different people or different exercises. The supplemental reading includes a guide for how to select appropriate warm up and working set weights, as well as how to safely progress.
How do I schedule strength training vs. BJJ training so that I don’t get too tired?
Much of this will depend on the individual and how much BJJ training you are doing, but in general we recommend lifting weights on easier training days or off days.
I bought both programs and they aren’t that different. What gives?
While there are slightly different training needs for gi vs. no gi, at the end of the day BJJ is BJJ! The vast majority of training should be the same regardless of rule set, with some adjustments made for different work-to-rest intervals and a greater emphasis on explosive movements for no gi. Strength training doesn’t need to be complicated or include variety for the sake of variety, it should be specific and progressive.
I’m a beginner, is this program too advanced for me?
Nope, this program is great for all levels of BJJ and strength training experience!