fbpx [Photos] Hanging out in Rio - Atos Jiu-Jitsu HQ - Worlds Best BJJ Academy - San Diego CA

[Photos] Hanging out in Rio

My family and I spent the weekend in Rio…

While we were there, we visited the Favela Cantagalo:

Favela Cantagalo #1

This was an incredible moment… I was able to share so many stories with Sarah and Lillian.

Favela Cantagalo #2

I used to go to Cantagalo with my Professor Terere before the big tournaments in Rio.

While we were in Rio, I went to visit Terere’s mom AKA Dona Lena…

Recently she lost her husband 😔 We went there to give her support and love.

With Terere's Mom

Also, I saw so many friends during my trip…

And I took the time to hang out with Professor Davi Ramos and Ary Farios at Atos Rio.

Atos Rio

I love the people in Rio.

They supported me so much back in the days.

It was great to be back and spend time in this incredible city.

Some of you guys know the story behind my move to Rio in 2002…

That time I lived in Oswaldo Alves’ gym, surviving on watermelon and ice cream (when I was lucky…)

Dreaming of one day becoming a world champion…

Until I broke through…

And won my first World Championship as a Blue Belt.


Andre Galvao
Atos Jiu-Jitsu Head Coach
Jiu-Jitsu Hall Of Fame Member​