fbpx Abu Dhabi Grand Slam LA Results - Atos Jiu-Jitsu HQ - Worlds Best BJJ Academy - San Diego CA

Abu Dhabi Grand Slam LA Results

In addition to the action in Finland at the ADCC  World Championship this past weekend we also had some competitors in LA fighting at the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam.  Out of the athletes we had competing a lot of them placed first in their divisions.

Lucas “Hulk” Barbosa won a stacked black belt -94kg division moving him to second place in the UAEJJF rankings.  If he finishes the 2017-2018 season at the top of the point based rankings he wins the $25,000 prize.


Atos HQ brown belt, Dominique Bell, made an impressive come back after being out of the competition scene since Worlds in June.  He fought his way through four tough matches winning gold in the -85kg division.

Conner DeAngelis added yet another gold metal to his ever growing collection by winning the -94kg purple belt division.

Elizabeth Liera also won her blue belt juvenile division with her well developed, and extremely technical game.  We can’t wait to see what she will accomplish when she finally reaches the adult division.

Fantastic job Atos HQ team!

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