It’s all fun and games until someone gets choked out. We hope everyone has a happy Friday and safe Halloween.|| É todo o divertimento e…
It’s all fun and games until someone gets choked out. We hope everyone has a happy Friday and safe Halloween.|| É todo o divertimento e…
We want to hear from YOU! Enter to win our Atos Grab bag Contest. To enter please show us your best rendition for a…
Congrats to Hadiya and Zahara for receiving stripes yesterday. Bjj girls rocking the mat. Ooss @rubencoronadobjj @nisar_loynab Andre Galvao Fan Page – Official @atosjiujitsuhq
Ladies it’s never too late to get started! #WCW #angelicagalvao Angelica Galvao #atosladies #atosjjhq #atosbjj #togetherwearestronger #togetherweareatos #drilltowin #galvaopower #sandiegobjj #ladiesfitness #califitness CALL US…
Congrats to Issa, Frankie, Sophia, and Alito on your stripes!! Keep up the good work!#atoskids #atosjjhq #kidsbjj #calibjj #togetherwearestronger#togetherweareatos
Check Out our affiliate in Pharr, TX ,Carlos Diego’s countdown to UFC 179! #OOSSS #ATOSNATION #ATOSBJJ #TOGETHERWEARESTONGER#TOGETHERWEAREATOS
Our Kid’s will be battling tomorrow in Long Beach IBJJF Kid’s National first match begins at 11:00 am, if you have the chance please come…
Check out our Kid’s Prof. Jonathan “JT” Torres countdown to Metamoris#atosbjjhq #togetherwewarestronger #Metamoris5
Super fights are always fun… Kids class 8-14 with Prof. Jonathan “JT” Torres. For more information please visit our website: http://atos.wpengine.com/ or call us at: 858-292-5040 #atoskids #atoshq #atosbjj #togetherwearestronger
We would like to congratulate our student Ameera White for her promotion to grey white belt, well deserved!!! #atoskids #atoshq #hardwork